We are proud to maintain the venerable Livery tradition of helping those who are less fortunate, with our own actuarial twist on improving education, particularly in the area of mathematics.
Our principal sources of funding are donations and legacies from our members. These are held in The Worshipful Company of Actuaries Charity, which is a Charitable Incorporated Organisation established in 2022. Previously these were held by the Company of Actuaries Charitable Trust Fund.
The latest report and accounts, of the Charitable Trust Fund, can be found here.
During 2022/23, the total amount granted came to £161,000.
The Charity's main purpose is to provide charitable grants to support:
- the education of actuaries and research in the field of actuarial science
- those studying to become an actuary
- mathematical and financial education in schools
- any charity where a member of our Livery or another actuary is actively involved
- charities within the City of London
The Charity Trustees are:
Gary Simmons (Chair) | Jane Curtis | Chris Bamford | Chris Green | Irene Paterson | Robert Ross | Jay Stewart | Jenni Stott all of whom are Liverymen of the Company.
The Honorary Treasurer is Jerry Staffurth. charity@actuariescompany.co.uk.
The Honorary Secretary is Nyasha Stolerman. charity.sec@actuariescompany.co.uk
The Charity registered number is 1199721
The Phiatus Award
This award is made each year to an actuary (whether or not a member of the Company) anywhere in the world who has made an outstanding contribution to charity. The winner's name is engraved on a silver salver and £5,000 is donated to the charity of their choice.
The 2023 Phiatus Award of the Worshipful Company of Actuaries (WCA) has been won by Kathryn Jones for her outstanding work with Potters Bar Community Music School (PBCMS). As a result, PBCMS has received a contribution of £5,000 from the WCA Charity. On 25 January, Kathryn was presented with the Phiatus Award silver salver by Master of the WCA Rodney Jagelman, her name engraved alongside those of previous winners.
Kathryn works for a pensions insurance company in London.
Undergraduate Bursaries
We offer bursaries and prizes to undergraduates entering their final year of a degree in Actuarial Science at a UK university.
Bursaries are normally up to £1,000 and are awarded based on financial need. Applicants will need to:
- provide detailed information concerning their financial position including their efforts to raise funding themselves;
- be making good progress and on course to achieve maximum
- exemptions from the IFoA examinations;
demonstrate their genuine, serious intent to join the IFoA and qualify with the UK professional body; - and supply a reference from their course tutor.
Apply for a Bursary
Please apply by the end of June in the academic year prior to your final year of study. Click here for further details:
Instructions for students applying for a WCAC Bursary
WCAC Bursary 2024-25 Online application form
Undergraduate Prizes
We award prizes to undergraduates for outstanding performance in their penultimate year of study for a degree in actuarial science at a UK university.
This is normally presented by one of the Trustees of the WCA Charity at an event organised at the university.
Maths Education in Schools
The Royal Institution Primary Masterclasses are for 9-10 year olds, where children enjoy activities, investigations and games that develop their mathematical reasoning. Many of these 2 hour sessions are run in schools, during school hours or on Saturday mornings. These Masterclasses are run by 16-18 year old students from local 6th forms - who are trained by Royal Institution staff
The Geoffrey Heywood Awards provide support to schools that demonstrate excellence in their 6th form mathematics teaching, primarily in order to expand their outreach and participation.
These awards commemorate the Founding Master of the Worshipful Company of Actuaries, who left a substantial legacy to the Charity on his death in 2013.
Since it started in 2000, the Royal Society Partnership Grants Scheme has awarded over £1.3m to over 800 schools and colleges, igniting enthusiasm for STEM in thousands of young people across the UK.
Under this scheme, the Charity has supported three schools which are running maths-focused projects.
Some of the Charities where an Actuary is actively involved
The Brainwave Trust brings measurable improvements to the lives of children with physical, sensory, learning, cognitive and behavioural additional needs caused by cerebral palsy, genetic conditions, autism and developmental delay. It provides support to parents and carers to help them cope more effectively with their children’s special needs. Our donations provide specialist equipment which parents are trained to use in their own home.
Past Master Bill Smith is an ambassador of this charity.
Please use the link to see more about this charity https://brainwave.org.uk
This charity provides assistance and support to adult burns survivors in the UK, directly to the patients, their families and to hospital burns units
This charity was established by the family of the late Past Master Peter Derby, following the Bali terrorist bombing in 2002 in which his daughter was very seriously injured and her husband and a number of close friends were killed. Peter’s daughter was recently awarded an MBE for her work.
Please use the link to see more about this charity https://dansfundforburns.org
Suited & Booted specialises in helping disadvantaged and vulnerable men in London gain employment, by providing suitable clothing for attending interviews, interview training and general mentoring.
Liverymen Gary Simmons and Mike Thomas are active supporters of this charity.
Please use the link to see more about this charity https://www.suitedbootedcentre.org.uk/
Marylebone Project supports homeless women at a drop-in centre in Marylebone. We have donated specifically for a series of classes teaching sewing skills, with a view to helping women back into work and producing items for sale to raise money for the charity.
Liveryman Jill Ampleford is actively involved.
Please use the link to see more about this charity https://www.maryleboneproject.org.uk/
This charity helps children with speech, language and communication needs. Our support is specifically to help children in the Barking and Dagenham area of London
Liveryman Stuart Shepley is the treasurer.
Please use the link to see more about this charity https://speechandlanguage.org.uk
Watford Sheltered Workshop provides employment and life skills to disabled people to help them move into the workforce and live a more independent life. We have donated specifically to help fund the teaching of numeracy, literacy, money handling and other life skills.
Actuary Philippa Aaronson is a volunteer on this programme and her husband is a trustee and honorary treasurer of the charity.
Please use the link to see more about this charity https://watfordworkshop.co.uk/
For several years the Trust Fund has sponsored the Edmonton Sea Cadets at TS Plymouth on the banks of the river Lea in north-east London. The Sea Cadets survive on minimal grants and depend on volunteer support. They do much good work in providing interests and training to young people in their formative years. In addition to annual funding support, the Actuaries’ Company presents the (Past Master) Robert Thomas Award to the “Cadet of the Year” at our Mansion House Banquet, where the Cadets provide a reception line for the attendees.
Please use the link to see more about this charity https://www.sea-cadets.org/edmonton
Any member may apply for a contribution to a charity with which they have a meaningful role. To apply for a contribution please complete the application form in the link above to charity@actuariescompany.co.uk.
How to Donate
Donations can be made by:
- Standing Order
Cheque payable to The Worshipful Company of Actuaries Charity and sent to:
The Honorary Treasurer
c/o The Actuaries’ Company
Perry Cottage, Matthews Lane,
Hadlow, Kent, TN11 0JG
- Online Banking with HSBC
Sort code: 40-47-31
Account number: 75181933
Account name: The Worshipful Company of Actuaries Charity
Reference: your name
Please also send a completed Gift Aid Declaration Form to charity@actuariescompany.co.uk
A Standing order form is available here Standing order form WCAC
Many members have left a legacy to the Charity in their will as a final gift. Legacies can be a very tax-effective method of donating, whatever the amount.