In medieval times, a merchant or artisan wanting to operate in the City of London would join a trade guild and would receive his Freedom of the City of London, in return for swearing allegiance to the King.
Many of these trade guilds have become the modern liveries we see today and are styled as Worshipful Companies, representing the crafts, trades and professions within the City.
Today's Worshipful Companies form an integral part of the City, making an important contribution to its charitable giving, education and governance.
With our strong ties to the Corporation of London, Liverymen gather in Guildhall to elect the Lord Mayor and Sheriffs. There is an array of rich pageant and traditions that are integral to the City of London and many that you can get involved with.
And, as Freemen of the City of London, we are afforded our ancient rite to drive our sheep across London Bridge, a tradition that is memorialised to this day.
Livery companies encourage standards of excellence in their particular profession.
The Worshipful Company of Actuaries supports the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries in promoting the profession and is committed to extending recognition and understanding of the work of actuaries within the City and beyond.