How to join
All Fellows or Associates of the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries, or of a similar actuarial body, are welcome to join.
What does being a Member involve?
Whilst the time commitment is very flexible and can fit around your other interests, our members find that the more time they spend with the Company, the more rewarding it becomes. We do ask our members to attend as many Livery events as they can and to promote our Company to their colleagues.
How much does it cost?
On joining, there is a one-off Freedom 'fine' of £50 and a Livery 'fine' of £350.
There is an annual ‘Quarterage’ (subscription) of £350. This is reduced to £140 for those under the age of 40 and aged 80 and over.
We also offer Visiting Affiliate Membership for an annual £140 fee. This is available to actuaries who are seconded to the UK on a temporary basis, and to overseas actuaries who visit the UK from time-to-time.
How do I join?
You should first attend a Livery event, which is the best way to find out what being part of the Livery involves.
Then you need to find a proposer and seconder who are themselves Liverymen of the Company. Please ask the Clerk if you need help with this. The proposer and seconder cannot both work at the same firm as you.
Once you have completed and submitted your Application Form to the Clerk, you will be invited to meet a member of the Membership Committee. After your application has been approved, you will attend a Court meeting, where you will be admitted to the Freedom of the Company.
As a Freeman, you can apply to the City Chamberlain's office to obtain the Freedom of the City of London. This will entail an electronic contact followed by an in-person visit to the Guildhall, the first to provide the required information and the second to make the relevant declarations. As a Freeman, you should also attend a City Briefing, or equivalent event which will give you a good grounding in the governance of the City of London.
The final step is for you to be clothed by the Livery, which takes place at a subsequent Court Meeting. You then become a Liveryman.
Don’t worry if this sounds daunting! Our Clerk is on hand to walk you through the process so that you can enjoy being part of this centuries-old City tradition.
Further Information
Please see our 2023 Prospective Members Brochure below. If you have any questions or would like to request a Membership pack, please contact the Clerk.
2311 Prospective Members Brochure
Useful Links
The Actuaries’ professional body in the United Kingdom is the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries.
Livery Companies are an integral part of the government of the City of London and comprehensive information on all Companies can be found at
The Livery Committee offer courses which provide information on how the City of London Corporation works. City Briefings are aimed at new Freemen and Liverymen but partners are also welcome to attend. Click on the link for further details and how to book places on a course.
The Society of Young Freemen encourages knowledge of and interest in City affairs.